In view of the waiting list for allotments it is clearly necessary to have a means of ensuring that they are used for their intended purpose, and that they are maintained in a fit state to be handed on to someone else. A neglected plot also spreads weeds around and makes life more difficult for other plotholders. To this end the committee inspects plots twice a year.
The main criterion is that, by the time of the first inspection (wb 15th May this year), 75% of the area should be under cultivation, with weeds, particularly perennials, adequately controlled. This includes areas with perennial flowers or soft fruit bushes.
Internal paths (1m wide or less) should also be well maintained. Areas used for compost bins, storage or other amenity are not counted unless they constitute 25% of the total area let, in which case 100% of the rest must be cultivated. Plot edges should also be maintained (paths usable and area of plot preserved).
Plots will be re-inspected in September this year, by which time we expect to see evidence of crops growing or recently harvested in the area under consideration.
New plotholders having joined during the last year will have plots inspected, but not be expected to meet all the criteria.
Happy Gardening